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My Dream/Trip Journal

Dream Date: n/a
The earliest dream I can remember was when I was really little. I couldn't tell that I was dreaming at first. I was sitting up in my bed and the lights were off, I just assumed that I woke up in the middle of the night. Sitting in front of my bed was my dog, Smokey. His eyes were closed and his mouth was wide open, facing me, not reacting to anything I was doing. I walked around him and left my room. When I walked downstairs the whole floor was filled with copies of my dog, all with their eyes closed and mouth open, all "staring" at me. I went to run upstairs, but the stairs changed into a jungle gym. I climbed back up to the second floor while the other dogs chased me. I ran to my parents' room and locked the door. Inside was the real Smokey.

I adopted an Eevee plushie from!
I adopted a Suicune plushie from!

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